FlexC Freelance -Your one stop solution for flexible workforce

Access finest professionals across 400+ skills, equipped to elevate your business to the next level.


500+ people-centric Organizations that are redesigning their hybrid workforce with us.

Byjus (Toppr)
CSS Corp
DSP Mutual Fund
Ganit Inc
Keywords Studio

How does it Work?

Hire Freelancers. Automate the complete process- from posting projects , analysing proposals, onboarding, milestone tracking to final payments. Create your internal gig workforce. Re-hire the best talent.


Post a project

  • Sign up and create your project- mention the experience, skills and other details.

Receive AI-recommendations

  • Our AI-engine will showcase the finest talent as per your requirements.

Shortlist and Interview Applicants

  • Shortlist the best candidates from the talent pool, coordinate and schedule offline or online interviews on the platform.

Project Completion

  • Divide the project into milestones, rate the professional as per their performance and settle the invoice
why Choose FlexC
why Choose FlexC
why Choose FlexC
why Choose FlexC

Post a project

  • Sign up and create your project- mention the experience, skills and other details.


Receive AI-recommendations

  • Our AI-engine will showcase the finest talent as per your requirements.


Shortlist and Interview Applicants

  • Shortlist the best candidates from the talent pool, coordinate and schedule offline or online interviews on the platform.


Project Completion

  • Divide the project into milestones, rate the professional as per their performance and settle the invoice

  • Companies

  • Flexible Professionals

  • Skills

  • Agencies
  • Sign up
    Start now and get hired!

Benefits of FlexC Freelance

Be agile and leverage the best in class consulting talent at your fingertips. Post a project on FlexC to get access to the best-in-class.

aidriveniconAI- Driven Recommendations

Our AI matches the best professionals in the industry available on the platform.

outcomebasediconOutcome Based Workforce

Shortlist talent based on their previous ratings. Assign them SMART milestones and get your project executed faster.

gigworkforceiconManage Your Gig Professionals at One Platform

Onboard, assign milestones, track & rate the performance, and settle the invoices - all at one platform.

gigpooliconCreate your Personalized Gig Repository

Add the finest freelancers you have worked with in your personalized talent pool & rehire them.

insightprojectsiconComplete Project Insights

Our Dashboard avails real-time reports of all the candidates and projects on the platform.

internalworkforceiconCustomize for Internal Workforce

Customize our SAAS platform. Bring and manage your existing gig workforce on FlexC.